The time has arrived for the return of @SubjectiveDance BattleGrounds
brought to you by the Subjective Dance Company.
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In preparation for December’s “72Smoke” event, we’re hosting another pop-up pre-qualification cypher on the third Sunday of October.
The event is an open jam featuring a live DJ who will also be accepting song requests. During the jam, dancers are welcome to lab, showcase, and/or call out other dancers. During the final hour of the event, we will find the top two dancers of the night by crowd decision and have one final battle. Battle contestants must pre-register on-line. https://www.accelevents.com/e/SDBG1019
Winner gains title of SDBG Cypher King/Queen
and is automatically entered into @SubjectiveDance BattleGrounds “72Smoke”
Sign Up Now!
Doors Open at 4pm. Location is TBA
But will remain in Richmond, Virginia.
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Sponsorship Packages are available. Contact us for more information.