SDLions, SDTigers, SDBears… ohMy!
SDAnimals from various areas, crews, studios, teams, etc. come together for performances as “ohMy! Unity Dance Team” in hopes of promoting unity amongst the dance community, exposing dancers to styles they’re not already accustomed to, and building a competitive Hip-Hop based dance team. Follow @ohMy_udt on Instagram. When not using the ohMy! name, official Subjective Dance Club performances are usually labeled as performed by the SDAnimals or a specific age bracket:
SDLions 18+ up
SDTigers 11 – 17
SDBears 10+ under
We’re gearing up for the new generation of performers in 2024!

More Performances

We take trips, we network, and the sky is the limit. This page only represents a portion of the experiences we encounter. Stay tuned…