Subjective Dance Club
Our Mission is to be a dance club that provides dance opportunities and/or training and raises awareness of individual dancers, dance teams, dance organizations, dance crews, and dance companies populating the communities in which Subjective Dance Club chapters are located.
Chapter I

Our Mission as SDCVA is to raise awareness of and provide dance opportunities to the talented individuals, dance teams, dance organizations, dance crews, and dance companies populating the urban communities in and around the Greater Richmond Region of Virginia.
We provide a networking atmosphere that is inclusive, inspires creativity, creates economical opportunities, and unites Virginia’s blossoming dance scene.
To learn about our in-house dance training programs, check out SDCDP.
Significant events we have sponsored include…
- The Inaugural Virginia Dance Awards, formerly RVA Dance Awards
Some of our recurring events are…
- Technique Tuesday
- SDC Freestyle Friday
- SDC Dance-a-Thon
- The Cypher King Party
We’ve been blessed to be able to give our club members the opportunity to;
- Be featured in music videos
- Perform for the NBA
- Perform in the Super Bowl halftime show
- Receive sponsorships for dance endeavors
- Participate in live festival performances
- See there personal business plans grow
- Be featured on live television (local, national, and international)
- Compete and win in national dance competitions
- Dance in some of the Greater Richmond Region’s most established dance studios
- Dance in nationally recognized arenas
- Meet international celebrities
- Experience road trips from VA to CA, FL, LA, MD, and NJ
- Train with industry level choreographers
- Train for shows like America’s Got Talent and Kid’s Got Talent
- and more
Our efforts have led to members being booked for contracts with…
- Richmond Parks and Recreation
- Various dance studios
- Various Recording Artists
- Richmond Public Library
- Studio4 Dance Agency
- Bacardi
- Red Bull
- Universal Studios
- The Martin Agency
- Boys & Girls Club of Metro Richmond
- Virginia State University
- Virginia Commonwealth University
- University of Richmond
- Chesterfield Juvenile Detention Center
- Various Local Businesses
- and more
Ultimately, we’ve developed the ability to inspire or motivate professional dancers and provide opportunities for ‘street dancers’ and/or dancers who are self-trained to get paid for doing what they love and/or experience adventures that most minority dancers and dancers with low income do not get exposed to in Richmond, Va.
With this ability, we continue to give hope, inspiration, and valuable life lessons to dancers of various ages.
Meet our favorite dance teams, dance crews, and dance companies.
(Page Under Construction) Photo: Phill Wright Dance Workshop hosted by Richmond Urban Dance
VA Dance Events

Find parties, training, competitions, showcases, and more.
(Page Under Construction)
Meet some of the club members and learn how to join.
Catch up on what we see, hear, and cherish about our dance community. New Richmond, Virginia based bloggers wanted.


Did you know?
THE SUBJECTIVE DANCE CLUB offers dance training through SDCDP and performance opportunities with the ohMy! Unity Dance Team.